BusinessMarch 2015

Choose your time well

Choose your time well

Self employment is as equally rewarding as it is challenging. Throw working with your partner or family in the mix then there is a whole other level of expectation and challenges needed to be overcome. The blending of work and life is now the reality for most people and is definitely the reality of you share your business with your family. Trying to juggle work and life is hard but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 5 ways to be able to focus on work when at work and family when at home.

Set realistic expectations.
Know what you need to achieve by the end of your day and schedule in a set number of actions you need to take that matches the time you have available.

Work on your priorities.
Remove projects and tasks that have been sitting for a while; make the challenging phone call you have been putting off or finish the report that needs to be written.

Plan your day the night before.
Precious peak productivity time is often lost as we use it to plan our day. Before you leave work plan what needs to be done the following day. This way you have created some closure from work before going home.

Focus on you.
When you are at your best, you can give your best to those around you. Lock me-time into your calendar.

There are people around you who can do parts of your workload quicker and, dare I say, better than you, so allow them. Delegation is not shirking responsibility if it allows you to step up and do the things you are best at.

Choose your time wisely.

Angela Lockwood
Author of “The Power
of Conscious Choice”
Ph: 0421 029 370
E: support@angelalockwood.com.au