Should you water your grass when it is brown or green?
At first glance, you would be forgiven for thinking I have taken up gardening, but whatever my black thumb doesn’t kill, my two dogs will.
So rest easy ladies, I have not turned into Don Burke.
But the question is an interesting one. Because the answer is… both. You water your grass when it is brown (dying) AND green (healthy). We get the fact that grass needs water and care when it is dying to bring it back to health but it also needs that same care and attention when it is healthy so it stays healthy.
So why do we think it is different for our bodies?
Why is it that we only really stop to take care of ourselves when our body is screaming at us to stop? When we are forced to by sickness, fatigue or death.
I admit that I have been guilty of it myself, well, not the death one, but the others, yes. I have told myself I am too busy to go for a walk or that one night of take out won’t kill us or that I’m just too tired to do my yoga or meditation. While it’s true that skipping a healthy ritual just once won’t really make a difference, the problem is if we are not vigilant about getting back on the wagon and making our health a priority, these exceptions to the rule quickly become the rule and before you know it, your grass is dying and you are frantically throwing fertilizer and water at it before the in-laws come for their visit.
As a Chiropractor, I see it time and time again. Life gets in the way and all those healthy habits slip away and we start to notice we are not as sharp as we used to be, not as calm or productive, and those pants are getting a little tight. Then suddenly it’s 3 weeks till your cousins wedding in Bali and your scrambling to be bikini ready.
While it is always a good time to get healthy, wouldn’t it be so much easier to stay healthy?
One burger and fries doesn’t make you unhealthy just as one salad doesn’t make you healthy. But don’t let that junk become your normal, because the further you slip away from health, the harder you have to work at getting back to your peak.
Oh, and water your grass.
Leandra Brady-Walker is The Cosmopolitan Hippy. A Chiropractor, crunchy mummy, award winning small business owner and author of the books Cosmopolitan Hippy: A modern girl’s guide to being healthy and fabulous and Eat like a Cosmopolitan Hippy. She helps women find the balance between raging party girl and blissed out hippy, all while nourishing their inner goddess.
You can find her at her office at The Chiropractic Place, on instagram @cosmohippy, on the web and on Facebook for more fantastic health information.
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