As Crossfit Territory celebrates ten years in the Top End, Director Brendan Southwick chats to Darwin Life Magazine about his inspirations on the journey from the early days working out of his ute with a handful of clients to the thriving industry leading business he runs today.
Why did you start Crossfit in the Territory?
I love to coach and am passionate about helping others improve their health, fitness and wellbeing. With my background in the military I am aware of the importance of strength and conditioning. When I first started Crossfit, nobody in the NT was doing functional training. So I would load up my ute with the pull-up rig and head down to the oval to train a group of people. Now we’ve got the most experienced strength and conditioning coaches in the Territory working out of the best equipped gym in the state.
What is the best thing about your job?
Definitely seeing my clients. I’m invested in each and every one of them. I know where they’re at on their fitness journey, and I share in their success and drive them past their failures. At my gym they are not just a membership number. They are all individual people with different needs who have placed their trust in me to help them achieve their goals. I am grateful for this opportunity every day, and for the journey I’ve been on over the past ten years.
Who inspires you?
I’m inspired every day by so many different people I work with. The list is too long to name everyone simply because all my clients inspire me at one stage or another. My personal inspiration though comes from my wife. Since I met her I’ve personally gone from strength to strength and matured in business to a level I never thought possible.
What does success look like to you?
Previously I would have said being a leader in my field and rolling out new concepts in Darwin, however I heard someone say the other day “success doesn’t bring happiness – happiness brings success”. It sat so well with me and was confirmation for me that I’m successful because I’m happy.
What motivates you, and in turn how do you motivate others?
Being the underdog, I came from nothing and worked my guts out for everything I have. So if I was to give advice and motivation to anyone, it is exactly that. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from. All that matters is what you do here and now.
What do you stand for?
Family, first and foremost. Not just blood family, but those you consider family in your circle, your community. You put in for them and they’ll put in for you.
As an industry leader, what advice can you give to those coming through the ranks?
If you work on quality, not price and focus on substance, not status, the rest will come.
Crossfit Territory
photography by George Fragopoulos
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